Our Mission
The Marg Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt non-profit educational corporation, promotes the awareness, understanding, and appreciation of Hindu heritage.
The Programs of the Foundation are aimed primarily at the young people – in particular, those brought up in non-Hindu environment. They will also benefit parents and other adults who often have to answer the questions of their children about their heritage as well as those associated with children’s religious/cultural educational programs. Those from non-Hindu backgrounds, who are often intrigued by Hindu traditions and for whom Dharma remains a big question mark, will find the Program quite educational, illuminating, and inspiring.
To accomplish it mission, the Foundation
  • Publishes MARG: A Path to Hindu Heritage -- a bimonthly (6 issues a year) magazine,
  • Organizes seminars, workshops, and presentation on Hindu Awareness and related topics in support of its mission.
  • Maintains a Panel of Speakers on Hindu Dharma related topics.
  • Participates in appropriate cultural and dharmic exhibits and shows.
  • Provides support to other like minded organizations.
  • In the spirit of Vasudaiva kutumbkum, runs sewa programs, often in collaboration with other sister organizations.
  • Publishes a variety of Hand-outs on Dharma related topics.

Announcement (Jamuary 7, 2025)
Copies of MARG V21N1 (January - February 2025 Issue) were mailed out to the MARG subscribers/Donors during the last week of December, 2024. We trust that, by now, you must have received your copy and are enjoying its informative and inspiring contents.
[Click here to read via our Web Portal]
[Click here to subscribe to MARG or to send a gift subscription]
"Why Maha Shivratri is celebrated and its Significance" by Sri Sadhguru
Maha Shivratri, “The Great Night of Shiva” is a night of special spiritual significance. Sadhguru explains why Maha Shivratri is celebrated and how we can make use of this possibility. ..... (For full article by Sri Sadhguru), please refer to MARG V21N1 Page 9).. . . []
Request for Contributing Editors
We invite you to join "MARG Contributing Editor" program. You contribute by sending articles on a topic of your interest and expertise within the framework of “Hindu Dharma's heritage and values”. For more information, Please contact Dr. Suresh Chander at "suresh.margfoundation@gmail.com"
Inspiring Thought of the Week (By Swami Vivekanand)
"We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions; so, we must know how to act. . "

Marg Foundation, P.O. Box 714. Gaithersburg, MD 20884-0714